SABPP is the professional body for HR practitioners in South Africa, as well as
quality assurance body for HR learning provision. SABPP also accredits the HR
academic programs of universities.
Registration of HR professionals with SABPP offers the following benefits
for individuals
- An independent assessment of the professional level of work and NQF level
of the HR practitioner (certificate)
- A clear description of the national standards (in terms of qualifications,
experience, level of work and ethics) expected of HR Practitioners.
- Official professional post nominal titles for registered HR practitioners
(HRT, HRA, HRP, CHRP, MHRP) in accordance with the NQF Act (67 of 2008).
- Ex-officio Commissioners of Oaths according to Act 16 of 1963.
- An indication of further development required to upgrade to higher levels
of registration (e.g. what additional qualifications, development, experience
and level of work are required to progress to higher levels);
- Participation in our national electronic CPD (Continuous Professional
Development) system.
- Access to further discounts to attend seminars, events, and conferences.
- Full access to participate in or influence national HR research,
development, and benchmarking projects.
- Involvement in projects and committees, e.g. Learning, Growth and
Development Initiative.
- Forums to voice concerns to be tabled collectively with relevant
stakeholders (e.g. labour laws);
- Access opportunities for mentoring.
- Opportunities to provide inputs into HR curriculums at universities via
the SABPP Higher Education committee.
- Upload of your professional designation on the National Learner’s Records
Database at SAQA.
- Access to information and the work of our alliance partners (ASTD, HCI,
EGN, COMENSA, ISPI, HRDUF etc.) to strengthen the HR profession.
- Registration fee is tax deductible where an individual consultant or
self-employed professional pays the fee him/herself.
- Information on the National HR Competency Model, and HR Standards and
Metrics projects.
- Participation in discussion forums on social media platforms (LinkedIn,
Facebook, Twitter, Blog) or other discussion forums.