Preparation for an HR Audit  

It is important that pre-audit preparation is fully completed prior to the commencement of the on-site audit. Such preparation will include the following:

  • Preparation of the HR team with knowledge and understanding of the HRM Systems Standards;
  • Briefing line management to obtain buy-in and support;
  • The HR team is encouraged to use the SABPP Assessment Tool prior to the Audit to identify and address gaps;
  • The building of competencies where required.

HR Audit Process

The SABPP has a dedicated HR Audit function, staffed by experienced HR professionals also trained in HR auditing .The HR audot process will follow the route as follows: 


All 13 standards will be audited and the client must achieve at least 60% in each element of the Standards. Certification is valid for a three-year period, with reviews annually. In the event of minor or major compliance findings, a client will have the opportunity to implement corrective action which will be reassessed during year two. If no finding were made, a recertification audit will be conducted prior to expiry of certification. This will be a shortened process. Audit records will be retained for a five-year period.